
After more than three years in industry as a data scientist, and more than one year as a data consultant at the World Bank. Iā€™m currently a PhD student in Machine Learning at the University of Clermont Auvergne, with LIMOS and SFU. Iā€™m fortunate to be supervised by Jonas KOKO, Violaine ANTOINE and Sylvain MORENO

My research activities focus on Machine Learning problems and its application in the real world. I am particularly interested in unsupervised learning with a focus on new clustering techniques such as evidential clustering, relational clustering and multi-view or collaborative relational clustering. My applications include longitudinal data and uncertain data.

Research interests:

  • Unsupervised Learning for Fuzzy and Uncertain data
  • Unsupervised Learning for longitudinal and time series data for trajectories analysis
  • Explainable Machine Learning and applications in Health
  • Big data analysis
  • Web scraping/scrawling and NLP
  • MLOps application in Health
  • Interactive data visualisation for software engineering
  • Statistical computing and Exploratory data analysis

Here, take a look at my stuff

  • āœØ I like TensorFlow, Scikit-Learn, Keras, Rshiny, Django, Flask frameworks
  • šŸ“š I wrote web scraping with R

Python R SQL SAS C++ Git

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